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Thursday, September 15, 2016

The 6 best tips for big arms

If you do some research on the internet you can easily find a hundred training programs for the arms.that  And all claim to be the best to increase the size of your arms. The experts are everywhere and some of them have even written books on the subject.
Most boards only based on hearsay or experience. But the problem with hearsay is that we never know for sure if the people who advertise really used them early or they could have obtained better results by doing something else.
Ultimately, you are not advanced. Better to go back to basics by modifying some parameters of your workout. This will allow you to train more efficiently and intelligently. These principles are:
1 - Prioritize triceps
Everyone knows that the triceps are the larger of the arm muscles. Yet we tend to forget. And as soon as we set foot in a gym. To believe that our brain is lost in a fog where everything is just curls, curls and curls.
Stop reproduce this error.
Triceps alone represent 50 to 55% of the total size of the upper arm muscles. Then follow the biceps (25%) and the brachial (18%). Have you ever seen a powerlifter with small arms? No. Neither do I.
Some coaches seem to especially focus on the brachial. Yet the brachial represents only a very small proportion in the arm musculature. So even if you increase of 50%, the difference may not see with the naked eye.
Here is an obvious driving principle to remember: if you want to increase the volume of your arms, working the last brachial. Work your arm muscles by classifying them by size. More muscle is important naturally in the muscles, the more it has to be worked first. To summarize, then:

1. Triceps
2. Biceps
3. Brachial
The first principle established, now see what is the best way to train the triceps.
2 - Bet on heavy developed
Research shows that the developed heavy lying is ideal to get in good shape triceps "horseshoe." By now, we know that the triceps respond better to really heavy loads. They are mainly composed of type II fibers.
According to EMG research, triceps need heavy loads to be activated completely the bench press, which is not necessarily the case with other muscles involved in the movement. You do not settle for applying what works for other muscles. If you want to enable maximum triceps, you must increase the load.
Then what is the best variation of the bench press for the triceps? First, you can apply a tight hold. Why ? For limiting the participation of pectorals, it defers part of the charges on the triceps.
Second is when the elbow reaches full extension that muscle has the best leverage. You should therefore ensure that the last centimeters of your bench is where your muscles work more. There are two ways to get it: to reduce the range of motion using a board, or use chains for the resistance accroisse during the ascent. This also works with elastic.
3 - Make dips to gain mass triceps
The bench dips seem that it is best to bring the best EMG responses on the side of the triceps, according to studies. But, as you know, this exercise has its limits because it is impossible to increase the weight to infinity. After a moment, it is the insured stagnation.
Fortunately, using the old method can solve the problem. An exercise very similar to bench dips are the dips on the parallel bars. By practicing in this way, you can wear a ballast belt and charge heavily. Keep you busy for years.
Some people find this exercise hurts their shoulders. This is not the case of everyone. But if that's the case for you, then do not practice this movement. The best exercises are those that suit you.

4 - Make-ups for your biceps
Now we are concerned the second largest muscle of the arm, the biceps. While it is customary to hire this muscle with mild or moderate loads, ironically it is the heavy loads that best enable the biceps. The biceps is comprised between 60 and 65% of type II fibers. Moreover, it responds better to heavy loads and a fast execution speed.
One of the best ways to solicit biceps with heavy loads, is to practice push-ups. Once you have acquired the movement and you've mastered the body weight, you can start ballast with a belt or backpack. You should see improvement quickly.
Push-ups with palms facing you are better than those with the palms of hands outwards. Indeed, it takes all the strength of the biceps to complete the movement.

5 - Practice various movements of curl for biceps
When speaking of curl, it is important to realize that the biceps is composed of three parts, related differently on the shoulder joint and elbow. These parties react differently next year, especially following the decision. In different exercises each muscle portion may be more or less stressed.
It is interesting to work your biceps through different movements. For example, the sloping curl sitting seems to be the best option to target the short head of the biceps (in the arm). Curl standing, it is better suited to the activation of the long portion (outside of the arm).
The width of the bar stock engaging plays. Hands spread to solicit more short head of the biceps, and the tight hold for long.

6 - Target the upper brachial movement
The brachial muscle is the third muscle that makes up the biceps. However, there is little research to understand how to grow the best. However, these studies contain clues. These indices indicate, for example, that the brachial is much sought on the end of the movement when the arm is fully folded. It is therefore interesting to load heavier when bending the arm.

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