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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Beginner strength training program

In the world of bodybuilding, there are two approaches to the implementation of a training program.
There are those who prefer to work full-body, that is to say, exercise the body during weight training, doing two or three complete sessions per week. And others who prefer to work in Split routine, that is to say, divide and distribute the exercises over several sessions. For example, on Monday, back, chest Tuesday Wednesday thighs, shoulders Friday and Saturday biceps and triceps.

In general, it offers a split in the program when you first start in the weight room but not a good choice! If you are a beginner, we recommend that you do full-body. This type of routine will allow you to progress quickly.

Beginners often make the mistake of copying the training programs that are found in magazines or on the internet fitness. They hope to get the same results as their favorite fitness model or youtubers. It is natural to think that the programs of these personalities are at the top, as they are extremely well muscled and dry. But in most cases, these programs do not suit you.
Nick Auger, fitness model. It represents the masculine ideal for many users, muscular and dry just right ...

These are often endless splits that contain too many exercises and sets for each muscle group, or too specialized programs. To give you an example, we can cross triceps sessions for 18 rounds!

These programs are not suitable for beginners, too heavy and too infrequent to progress properly. They are rather intended for advanced practitioners, gifted see doped. I'm not saying that you do not will progress with, but it is more suitable for a beginner to make a program that works the whole body during the session, several times a week.
The full-body strength training program

Here is the full-body program for muscle gain, for beginners that work the entire body. fitness program to perform 2 to 3 times per week for 2 to 3 months. Work, either with free weights or machines. Rest time between sets set at 1 minute.
The program

    Bench Press: 4 * 12 (4 sets of 12 repetitions) - Chest, shoulders, triceps.
    Pushups (or drawing before): 4 * 12 - Dorsal, biceps.
    Developed dumbbells: 4 * 12 - shoulders, triceps.
    Squat neck bar (or leg press): 4 * 12 - legs and glutes.
    Crunch floor: 4 * 10 + 3 * Plank 1 minute - Abs
    Bench lumbar 3 * 1 min - Lumbar

This weight training program has been successfully tested by many people on the forum and will give you good results. Rest assured, it contains enough exercises and series; it is useless to add! In bodybuilding, you have to focus on quality over quantity. Stick to progress from one session to another on these basic exercises and results will be at the rendezvous.
Our advices

After a general warm up of ten minutes on a cardio machine, you can attack the program starting with 2 light warm up sets of 20 repetitions (2 * 20) to the bench press.
Then, in subsequent years, 1 warm-up set (1 * 15) will be sufficient.

As alternative movements, for the bench press you can make dips, before the draw to replace traction, developed the front instead of dumbbells developed, and leg press squat if you do not like. If you do not have the equipment, it is always possible to find a replacement exercise.

You can see that no charge is indicated. You'll start with an easy load you control. Then you gradually add weight gradually progresses. See article: The training bases for more information.
And then arm?

As you can see, there is no isolation exercises for the arms. Beginners do not need to specifically work the arms because most program of exercises already indirectly solicit. For example, the pull back rally but also the biceps, bench press or dips seek triceps at the back of the arm, etc ... In short, the work of arms is optional.
Beginners are wasting their time and energy on isolation exercises for the arms.
To gain muscle fast and build strong foundations, we must focus on basic polyarticular exercises ...

Nevertheless, we propose, as a result, a program including the arms. It is for those who still want to work specifically and put the emphasis on it:
The program

    Bench Press: 4 * 12 - Chest, shoulders, triceps.
    Pushups: 4 * 12 - Dorsal, biceps.
    Developed vertical: 4 * 12 - shoulders, triceps.
    Curl Bar: 3 * 10 - Biceps.
    Front bar: 3 * 10 - Triceps.
    Squat neck bar (or leg press): 4 * 12 - legs and glutes.
    Crunch floor: 4 * 10 + 3 * Plank 1 minute - Abs
    Bench lumbar 3 * 1 min - Lumbar

And then what do we do?

After 2 or 3 months and a few kilos more muscle, you can diversify your full-body program to continue moving forward or possibly switch routine type if you wish. But this is not a requirement! Why change a program that allows you to progress well? Continue with as you record progress.

We offer an advanced full-body program 3 days, a half-body program over 4 days (up / down), a split program for beginners, split for advanced, split pyramidal, and also a special program "upper body "for those who wish to work only the bust.
No equipment?

For those who have no material - or very little, you can follow the famous program with only two weights, the weight training program without material for the site, or you get into the Lafay method.
The Beginner's Power

We recommend reading the section bodybuilding nutrition to learn the basics of nutrition and what to eat, including the article on mass gain if you need to gain weight, how to lose weight if your goal is to lose weight, and how dry if you want to become dry and draw your muscles.

The supplements used in the practice of bodybuilding does not apply to you because as a beginner, you will progress tremendously.

Here, finally, practice seriously, regularly, and the results will necessarily be at the rendezvous. Motivation and patience are two key elements in the practice of bodybuilding. An athletic build is not achieved overnight!

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